Merus Power paves the way for an energy-efficient and sustainable future
It is impossible to predict in what ways the climate crisis will be resolved or what innovations and technologies will eventually be needed to curb climate change. There is no single solution or technology out there, but the solutions consist of many different parts in industries, organizations, government, and society. However, to accomplish a sustainable future, we need to drastically reduce the usage of fossil fuels, and technological advances are needed in renewable energy production and its storage.
Wind and solar power will play a significant role in the environmentally friendly electricity production of the future. Solar energy can cover many times the world’s energy consumption and is an endless source of renewable energy. Wind power is a great equivalent in cloudy weather and is a very efficient way to produce energy. In addition, hydropower is an important part of renewable energy production in many countries around the world.
However, weather variations can make energy production more unstable when using renewable energy. This not only makes forecasting electricity consumption and production more difficult, but the grid also needs more fast-reacting support for its stabilization from energy storages. This makes energy storages crucial in the future when renewable energy production capacity is estimated to nearly triple by 2030 and nearly six-fold by 2050.
Did you know, that by 2030…
Source: IRENA, 2020: Global Renewables Outlook: Energy transformation 2050.
High energy-consuming industries play a significant role in social sustainability, economic performance, and environmental protection of all nations. We want to enable our customers a smooth transition to renewable energy usage, enable the growth of renewable energy in society and support the growth of energy efficiency and productivity in industry in the midst of megatrends.
The key ideas behind our solutions are in the usage of renewable energy, improved power quality, and energy efficiency. Our solutions have significant positive environmental and economic impacts globally. Solutions that enable better power quality in industrial and commercial applications contribute to the reduction of energy and thus of CO2 emissions, while improving the process efficiency of our customers’ companies. Our customer base is diverse and consists of players in the fields of industry, electricity generation, and renewable energy, among others. We have delivered our innovative solutions to 59 different countries around the world and helped our customers to achieve their sustainability goals.
1) Merus Power’s management assessment. Emission reductions have been assessed from the perspective of Merus Power’s customers and with Merus Power’s current equipment.
2) Merus Power’s management assessment. Merus Power’s share is 10.2 MW of Finland’s frequency-controlled operating reserve, which is a total of 105.8 MW in 2021.(source: Fingrid).
This is how our scalable technology solutions leverages the transformation of sustainable energy
Without energy storages, the carbon-free society of the future could only remain a dream due to the need to balance power demand and the volume of electricity produced. So what happens if the power demand does not match the amount of electricity produced?
The right amount of electricity should be produced at any given time. Too little production can be seen as lower frequency and it can lead to power outages, while excessive power production is seen as an increase of frequency. This is desired to be eliminated, even at a loss. However, it is not just a matter of power outages or loss of sales. Rapid disruption of the balance between production and consumption in the electricity system could cause a catastrophic chain reaction, forcing production plants to be disconnected from the grid to prevent damage to their machinery. This would jeopardize the availability of electricity. In order to achieve sufficient flexibility and ensure network stability, fast-reacting electricity stocks are needed.
Merus™ Energy Storage Solutions easy enable the integration of renewable energy into the electricity grid and create modern earning models for customers from renewable energy opportunities. With our energy storage systems, the imbalance between electricity production and consumption can be corrected even in fractions of a seconds.
Good examples are the Viinamäki wind farm or solar energy in microgrid projects in Finland to which we supplied a Merus™ ESS Energy Storage Systems. Our advanced energy storage systems made it possible for renewable energy to participate in balancing the production and consumption in the frequency regulation markets. The combination of renewable energy and energy storage provided the electrical grid with fast ramp rates. As a result, the renewable energy productions became more competitive in the market.
Merus’ responsibility program and goals support a common global sustainable development agenda
We are committed to operating responsibly in a sustainable manner, considering all environmental aspects of our operations. We work for the UN Sustainable Development Goals and have identified from the UN Framework the most relevant goals for our work that we want to promote. We monitor the implementation of responsibility with key figures such as green energy capacity, share of energy storage capacity and CO2 emission reductions.
In addition to UN Development Goals, we are a registered importer of industrial batteries and are committed to taking care of the disposal and recycling of batteries in Finland. We are a member of the electrical and electronic equipment producer association SELT.
Our quality system is certified with the ISO 9001 quality standard and our environmental system with the ISO 14001 standard.